a family of grace, believing and becoming the Gospel

What does this mean?

A Family of Grace:

The book of Ephesians starts with three chapters describing and unveiling the saving work of God. God saved a people unto Himself to display the glory and majesty of His grace. That family is created to live in light of their calling and display the grace of God to all. Ephesians 4:1-3

Paul lays out traits of a family of grace: humility, gentleness, patience, bearing with one another in love. He calls the church to maintain that unity. Maintain means to preserve, or guard something that is in your possession. Jesus created unity and asks us to maintain it.

The Holy Spirit unifies us around the reconciling work of Jesus Christ, especially around our differences. A Family of Grace is not a group of people that all look the same, it is a group of radically different people that have all been redeemed.

Believing The Gospel:

We believe that God has most fully revealed Himself in the gospel of Jesus Christ. Ephesians 4:4-6; 1 Thessalonians 2:14

Ultimately, the gospel is the finished work of Christ – and this is good, good news that changes everything. It brings hope to us and to this otherwise hopeless world. The gospel:

  • reconciles hopeless sinners – By faith, we can be with holy God.
    Colossians 1:19-22
  • has conquered evil – Evil has no power over us now, and one day, all its power will be vanquished.
    I Corinthians 15:20-24
  • redeems fallen creation – One day creation will be restored to how it was supposed to be.
    Romans 8:18-22

We have a limited understanding of belief. Many Christians think of belief as an experience for salvation only. But the Bible is clear that growing in maturity means allowing the historical aspect, the adoption aspect and the kingdom aspect of the gospel to be more fully realized in our lives.

The practice for the gospel transforming us and making us into the likeness of Christ happens in the rhythm of repentance and faith. Colossians 2:6-7

Becoming the Gospel:

Often, we as the church merely ask for people to serve in the church. Although this is part of our calling - to the family, there is a bigger vision we are invited into. We are called to become the gospel which means that we display for all to see a taste of what the Kingdom of God will be like when Jesus returns. Ephesians 4:7-16

We mature in the gospel by being equipped by others for works of service. Works of service are displayed throughout the world so that people can taste and see what the Kingdom of God is like. As Christians grow in humility, gentleness, patience, forbearance and unity they are not only becoming the kingdom but they are actually bringing the kingdom into our broken world. The three primary places we are called to become the gospel are:

  • In Our Families Ephesians 5:18-6:4
  • In Our Workplaces Ephesians 6:5-9
  • In Our Neighborhoods 1 Peter 4:7-11

our Values


These values inspire our actions and keep us on course. Click on a value to read more:

Caring for the Vulnerable

We live out this value by bringing God's justice to the world not only with mercy but in defense of and out of love for those who have been unjustly treated. Biblically the action to which we are called is justice, and our motivation for it comes from the loving kindness that God has shown us in Christ.


We live out this value through obedience to the command to be "salt and light" in the world. It is critical that we participate in sending church planters and missionaries around the world to start new works, but also that as a church we remember that each of us is sent to be God's presence in our daily activities.

Making Disciples

We live out this value by following the model of our Savior's love, calling people to Jesus because we love God and we are moved by His great love for us. Discipleship doesn't begin in the church building. We are the church, so discipleship begins everywhere we go as we engage others who do not know Christ and by digging deeper into gospel-centered relationships with those who follow Christ.

Declaring the Word

We live out this value by following the example of Jesus' unshakeable commitment to His Father's Word. The power in our preaching and teaching comes from the truth that Jesus is the very Word of God. He saves, transforms, and equips souls for life in Him as we declare the Word.

Life Together

We live out this value by following the example of the Triune God, who has existed eternally in perfect unity, love, and joy. We were created to live in shalom (peace, harmony, wholeness, completeness) with God, so we follow the Trinity's example by gathering together in joyful fellowship. By pursuing life together we model our created purpose in relationships with God and others.